- dog behaviour is multifactorial
- exploratory
- locomotory
- sensory
- curious
- social
- territorial
- neotenous
- retain puppy like behaviours
- play
- reciprocal
- role swapping
- self handicapping
- breed
- learning
- play
- retain puppy like behaviours
- ingestive
- scavengers
- foragers
- opportunistic
- predatory
- sexual
- maturity 6-12 m
- independent
- roaming
- promiscuous
- humping (not necessarily sexual)
- maternal
- nesting
- self care
- solitude
- attention seeking
- care giving
- responsive to care seeking
- aggression (prolactin)
- exploratory
- development stages
- central nervous system and genetics determines cognitive, emotional and physical normality/functionality
- early inc pre natal development and experience crucial
- foetal period – conception > partirition
- neonatal – birth – 10 days
- transitional – ~10 – ~21 days
- socialisation period – 3 > 12 (up to 16) weeks
- primary socialisation (conspecifics (littermates) – earlier)
- secondary socialisation (other species (e.g. humans) – later)
- encompassed habituation period
- fear period ~8 – 10 weeks
- juvenile period – ~3 > 5-14 months
- rapid growth
- excitability
- activity
- sexual maturity
- adolescence
- juvenile period > adulthood
- increasing independence
- adulthood
- social maturity 2-3 years
- senior
- 7+ years
- central nervous system and genetics determines cognitive, emotional and physical normality/functionality
- Epigenetics
- how genes are expressed influenced by internal/external environment
- behavioural traits manifest as result of learning, inc prenatally
- early environmental influences can determine lifeline behaviours
- and subsequent generations
- may be advantageous for adaptability – may also be disadvatageous
- careful consideration to which parents breed from
- environment adapted to
- temperament
- nurture and nature always at play and intertwined
- both parents, plus previous generations, health, behaviour, learning influence offspring
- manage peri natal experiences to reduce physical or emotional distress
- Breeds (MAPs previously FAPs)
- predatory sequence: search > orient > eye-stalk > chase > grab bite > kill bite (> dissect > consume)
- pointer: orient > eye-stalk >
chase> grab bite >kill bite - retriever: orient >
eye-stalk>chase> grab bite >kill bite - hound: orient > mark > chase > grab bite > kill bite
- collie: orient > eye > stalk > chase >
grab bite>kill bite - terrier: orient > eye-stalk > chase > grab bite >
kill bite
- pointer: orient > eye-stalk >
- predatory sequence: search > orient > eye-stalk > chase > grab bite > kill bite (> dissect > consume)
- Prevention
- ideal world – pre pet selection counselling from trainer
- right pet at right time for right people in right home from right source
- sources pf pets
- breeder
- rescues
- mean well but don’t always have knowledge
- farms
- welfare not always a concern
- importa
- wild caught
- ideal world – pre pet selection counselling from trainer
- Owner education
- pre birth prep
- parents
- health
- behaviour
- temprement
- environment
- nutrition
- place
- resources
- space
- social
- health
- parents
- pregnancy
- stress
- learning
- health
- nutrition
- emotional comfort
- choice/control
- epigenetic
- perinatal
- species’ needs
- pre birth prep
- Early learning – socialisation and habituation
- sensitive period
- 12-14 (up to 16) weeks
- sights, sounds, smells
- other animals
- different types of people
- importance of correct play
- places
- objects
- modes of transport
- no big deal training
- brain is blank canvas
- rapid learning
- complex, enriched environment is vital
- puppies learning all the time
- teach, guide and support well
- acheive
- happy, relaxed, well rounded pets prepared for life
- happy relaxed owner, bonded to pet for life
- pets who are happy in all situations
- optimists
- avoid
- frightened, under confident, overwhelmed pets
- stressed owners
- pets growing up with behaviour problems
- more dogs die under 3 years from behavioural problems than illness or injury
- rules
- new stimuli should be introduced at a distance
- give an escape route
- are they using it repeatedly, or reluctant to come back?
- are they coming back voluntarily?
- no food to lure
- keep it positive
- use lots of treats/play/praise
- 2-3 new experience a day
- watch emotional state all the time
- respond before there’s a problem
- puppy parties
- shouldn’t be a ‘party’
- good puppy class
- not traditional trainer
- not one size fits all
- good experience
- knowledgeable professions
- sensitive period
- Training v behaviour
- training
- preventative
- proactive
- behaviour
- remedial
- reactive
- emotional
- SMART – see mark and reinforce training
- training