• Traditionally in training
    • Build value for desired response with highly desired reinforcement
    • Keep animal on continuous reinforcement schedule to avoid frustration (no frustration as no unrewarded responses.
  • Why avoid failure?
    • Failure > frustration > lock of control/predictability
  • What causes frustration?
    • expectations not met (not rewarded)
    • can expectations be changed?
  • Responses to frustration
    • Invigoration (swear and kick vending machine)
    • Suppression (must be broken – walk away)
    • Persistency (try to get item out of vending machine)
    • Regression (try the same thing – put more money in)
    • We are born with one of these 4 responses but that can change baed on how we are raised
      • singleton puppy – no 1
      • litter learns no 3
  • Innate v learned responses
    • create persistent attitude in training
  • Risk of creating fristration
    • aversive emotional state which brings unpredictability and anxiety behaviours
  • Undesired (unplanned) failures
    • lack of criteria
    •  lack of reinforcement
    • mechanics
      • poor timing
      • poor placement of reinforcement
    • failure to manipulate environment
      • competing reinforcement value
      • poor transitions
  • Strategic (planned) failures
    • jumping criteria to see if the dog can do it
    • withholding reinforcement for better responses
    • adding distractions
    • adding arousal
    • breaking patterns through rhythm and predicability of cues
  • Goals of failure
    • create boundaries of understanding of what is and is not acceptable
    • create tension which transfers into focus and intensity
    • teaches persistency
    • teaches them to always do as cued
  • Environment lacking in failure (singleton pup)
    • lack of failure creates environment void of frustration
    • no fight for reinforcement
    • undesired response to challenge/failure
    • ill equipped to deal with real world
    • low threshold for frustration
    • higher probability for biting/aggression
  • Creating failures and frustration for singleton
    • push them off nipple with stuffed toy
    • create frustration at a low level
    • increase level to develop response of persistency
  • Successful training
    1. Consciousness
    2. Clarity
    3. Confidence
    4. Challenge
    5. Capability
  • Persistence develops when reinforcement is obvious