- Any deviation from normal chain of event.
- 22% of dogs are dog/dog reactive
- Risk factors
- Being in training class for more than 4 weeks
- Free for all
- Off lead
- pessimistic
- struggle with disengagement
- owner gets better at identifying fear
- positive punishment
- pessimistic mindset
- filling the bucket
- owning back garden
- over stimulation
- negative learning
- judgment bias
- Excitement
- 8 weeks pot pup playing with littermates
- breeders don’t allow letters to mix with calm adult dogs
- excessive socialisation
- Interactions
- too many – can’t disengage
- dog gets big and is restricted – frustration
- frustration and fear are interchangeable
- bad experiences
- too many – can’t disengage
- Being in training class for more than 4 weeks
- Chain of interaction
- see
- approach
- distance
- time
- face to face greeting
- dogs struggle to progress from this
- lying on the floor submissively
- chin on the back of the other dog
- not dominance
- dogs struggle to progress from this
- move to rear
- play
- appropriate
- inappropriate
- humping
- or
- disengage
- Required
- Disengagement
- being able to move to the next step
- Calmness
- Optimism
- judgement bias studies
- ambiguous sound test
- spacial discrimination
- judgement bias studies
- Disengagement
- Employment
- General
- Specific
- to the break in the chain
- give in to lead pressure
- disengage game
- proximity vortex
- to the break in the chain
- General
- Dog/dog transformation boosts
- employed > unemployed – 24/7 DMT
- whole dog approach
- SA
- movement reactive
- noise sensitive
- predictors
- ditch the routine
- DMT predictors
- calm marker