- causes
- Can be born deaf
- medical issues
- age related
- prepare for hearing loss
- teaching hand signals
- teaching visual cues
- body language
- visual marker
- non talk days
- smile for recall (left gaze bias example)
- what to train
- visual marker
- thumbs up
- light/torch
- a touch (helpful if dog is also blind)
- luring
- so you can move them around
- shaping
- ttouch
- Off lead
- management
- check-in
- where’s my face
- capture
- wait for eye contact before something of value
- close
- engagement games
- throw a treat out, show the dog a treat so that he comes back to you
- orientation game
- orientation game whilst walking
- weather games
- recall
- hand target
- torch
- catch me
- hide and seek
- lead techniques
- Every day life
- train children
- safe space away from busy area
- sleeping dogs
- startle response
- heavy footsteps on approach to wake
- lightly blow but not with your face need to the dogs mouth
- fan your hand near to them to cause gentle breeze
- treat on the bed
- smile when waking
- food time
- not as many sense aialble to them when eating
- give dog space
- no go areas
- approach
- mindful of how the dog is approached