- Great deal in
- door open, feed, feed
- throw kibble out
- feed, feed in
- put pretend kibble out
- looking forth going back to the crate at twice the speed of going in
- Door closing predicts good things
- door close feed, feed at back of crate
- door open no food
- Make crate scarce
- feed in back of crate
- bring out of crate with harness – no food
- hold harness, put food into crate
- count to 2, let go of harness, see what happens
- Block dog from getting in
- throw food into crate
- restrain dog
- release
- Duration for door closed
- non event feeding the back of crate
- Long lasting chews
- get thew out before chew is finished, close the chew in the crate
- Purposeless movements
- with dog in crate move randomly without opening door
- Use the crates when you don’t need them.