- Scent is how dogs see the world
- 125 – 250 million scent receptors
- Can smell vlow ground – can detect water leaks
- Can smell left and right
- Breath in 2 separate parts – dour and respiration
- Whiskers –
- sensory equipment,
- aids vision and navigation,
- courser and thicker than regular hair,
- roots 3 times deeper with their own nerve endings
- when air passes over, whiskers vibrate and stimulate nerves in the follicle
- hunt at night
- visual acuity of 20/75 – can see things far away, up close they use their whiskers
- request whisker sparing grooming cut
- Ears
- some breeds are bred to listen more carefully
- dog’s hearing frequency is higher than humans
- dogs can hear things that humans can’t
- dogs hear 4 better than humans
- can filter out certain sounds
- dog with log ear waft the scent up with them
- Equipment and training
- halo
- must be conditioned –
- questionable – maybe if dog is bumping into things –
- must have freedom of movement,
- don’t leave on if unsupervised
- blind dog harness
- must be in balance
- Y shaped
- liberty leash
- dog is blind lead sleeve
- bed
- different grades of bed for different times of day
- target mats
- shows a change of direction in the house
- hide food in the house
- to encourage exploration
- dog doesn’t need to be touched
- teach a reverse
- wait
- hand on shoulder cue
- feed in position
- curbs
- paws up
- paws off
- use lowered curbs
- cue lift up
- capture wanted behaviour
- cue start and stop
- bucket game
- chin target for eye drops
- scope environment for issues
- freework
- scentwork
- mantrailing
- Watch for signs of anxiety
- ears forward to listen
- may open eyes wide if they’ve had sight before
- may move body position forward to sniff
- being able to turn your dogs towards you – A to B
- blind dog won’t pick up on any not verbal signs from other dogs
- keep your word sounding calm